
Percentage Calculator

Calculate percentages, find percentage changes, and solve common percentage problems with our comprehensive calculator.

Basic Percentage Formulas

Percentage: (Value ÷ Total) × 100

Value from Percentage: (Percentage × Total) ÷ 100

Total from Percentage: (Value × 100) ÷ Percentage

Example: 25% of 80 = (25 × 80) ÷ 100 = 20

Percentage Change Formulas

Percentage Change:

((New Value - Original Value) ÷ Original Value) × 100

Percentage Increase: Change is positive

Percentage Decrease: Change is negative

Example: Change from 50 to 75 = ((75 - 50) ÷ 50) × 100 = 50% increase

Common Applications

• Discounts and sales tax

• Tips and gratuities

• Investment returns

• Grade calculations

• Market share analysis

• Population growth